Gabavex 100/Gabavex 300

Gabavex 100/Gabavex 300



Vexxa Lifesciences


VE Pharma
Concise Prescribing Info
Monotherapy in treatment of partial seizures w/ & w/o secondary generalization in adults & adolescents ≥12 yr. Adjunctive therapy in treatment of partial seizures w/ & w/o secondary generalization in adults & childn ≥6 yr. Peripheral neuropathic pain eg, painful diabetic neuropathy & post-herpetic neuralgia in adults.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Adult & adolescent ≥12 yr Initial titration: Day 1: 300 mg once daily; day 2: 300 mg bid; day 3: 300 mg tid. Epilepsy Individualized dosage. Childn ≥6 yr Initially 10-15 mg/kg/day. Upward titration by 25-35 mg/kg/day for approx 3 days. Total daily dose should be divided in 3 single doses, the max time interval between doses should not exceed 12 hr. Peripheral neuropathic pain Adult Initially 900 mg/day in 3 equally divided doses. May be further increased in 300 mg/day increments every 2-3 days. Max: 3,600 mg/day. Renal impairment CrCl >80 mL/min 900-3,600 mg/day; CrCl 50-79 mL/min 600-1,800 mg/day; CrCl 30-49 mL/min 300-900 mg/day; CrCl 15-29 mL/min 150-600 mg/day; CrCl <15 mL/min 150-300 mg/day. Total daily doses should be administered as 3 divided doses. Anuric patient undergoing hemodialysis Loading dose of 300-400 mg then 200-300 mg following each 4-hr hemodialysis. Renally impaired patient undergoing hemodialysis Maintenance dose: Additional 200-300 mg following each 4-hr hemodialysis treatment.
May be taken with or without food: Swallow whole w/ sufficient fluid.
Special Precautions
Discontinue use if acute pancreatitis & drug rash w/ eosinophilia & systemic symptoms (DRESS) develops. Abrupt w/drawal may precipitate status epilepticus. Increased seizure frequency or onset of new types of seizures may occur. Not to be used against primary generalized seizure. Patients w/ mixed seizures including absences. Risk of suicidal ideation & behavior; abuse & dependence. False +ve results in semi-quantitative determination of total urine protein by dipstick tests. Galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption. May influence the ability to drive & use machines. Pregnancy & lactation. Childn. Elderly.
Adverse Reactions
Viral infection; somnolence, dizziness, ataxia; fatigue, fever. Pneumonia, resp infection, UTI, otitis media; leucopenia; anorexia, increased appetite; hostility, confusion & emotional lability, depression, anxiety, nervousness, abnormal thinking; convulsions, hyperkinesias, dysarthria, amnesia, tremor, insomnia, headache, sensations (eg, paresthesia, hypesthesia), abnormal coordination, nystagmus, reflexes (increased, decreased or absent); visual disturbances (eg, amblyopia, diplopia); vertigo; dyspnea, bronchitis, pharyngitis, cough, rhinitis; vomiting, nausea, dental abnormalities, gingivitis, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, constipation, dry mouth or throat, flatulence; facial edema, purpura, rash, pruritus, acne; arthralgia, myalgia, back pain, twitching; incontinence; impotence; peripheral or generalized edema, abnormal gait, asthenia pain, malaise, flu syndrome, w/drawal reactions, chest pain; decreased WBC, wt gain; accidental injury, fracture, abrasion.
Drug Interactions
Reduced bioavailability w/ antacids containing Al & Mg.
MIMS Class
ATC Classification
N02BF01 - gabapentin ; Belongs to the class of gabapentinoids. Used to relieve pain and other conditions.
Gabavex 100 cap 100 mg
Gabavex 300 cap 300 mg
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